14280 Lincoln Highway
Everett, PA 15537
Phone: 814-652-6458
Fax: 814-652-0278
Many construction companies will happily answer the phone and discuss potential renovations to an existing structure. However, the moment the word “restoration” becomes involved, the cheerfulness of the conversation may immediately decrease. When you need an older property restored, it is important to choose a company that not only knows how to do it, but has a passion for the job. When you hire KLA Contractors, you get a company dedicated to your project.
Restoration requires the ability to provide construction services, but many times it also involves a keen understanding of the materials and substances used when constructing buildings of days past. Whether the parameters of a grant require them, or a business owner simply wishes to have an accurate representation of the original structure, the usage of rare or particularly difficult materials could be required. Additionally, many structures require custom-designed elements to properly bring them back to this condition. For example, custom columns and doors made from specific woods often adorn historic buildings. At KLA Contractors, we are qualified to provide the historic restoration services you need.
KLA Contractors is not shy when it comes to restoration. We have been trusted to provide quality restoration services to many buildings throughout the region since 1998. It is our knowledge, understanding and passion for construction and historic restoration, as well as our willingness to travel to meet our customers’ needs, that has allowed us to excel in such a specific area.
KLA Contractors does not offer residential construction services, but if you are looking for a residential contractor, contact our office for a referral.
14280 Lincoln Highway
Everett, PA 15537
Phone: 814-652-6458
Fax: 814-652-0278